“I have tried to keep things in my hands but lost them all, but what I have given unto God’s hands, I still possess.”
– Martin Luther
The people in the pews of St.Paul’s Episcopal Church, Medina, Ohio, fund the parish budget – there is only a small endowment which, in any event, will be dedicated solely to outreach rather than operating expenses when it begins producing income. There is no large outside source of money.
With their pledges and plate offerings, the parish’s members meet ever-rising natural gas, electricity, telephone, and internet connection bills, maintain a beautiful worship and education space, compensate the Rector and the staff, and financially support the Sunday School and youth programs, the music program, various fellowship activities, and strong outreach ministries for justice and those in need in Medina, the Diocese of Ohio, and the world.
It is through the generous spirit of the people and the grace of God that St. Paul’s Parish fulfills its mission of Christian compassion, love, justice, and service.