The newly appointed Parish Vision Committee will meet with our consultant, Michael Davis of Davis/Evans & Company, together with the Rector and the Vestry in an all-day visioning conference on Saturday, July 10, 2010. Their goal will be to begin the process of discerning God’s Vision for St. Paul’s Parish for the next 25-30 years. This process includes determining our core principles and values, and casting a vision of our primary ministries and goals for the next few decades.
Members of the committee are:
- Co-Chair Mark Hansen
- Co-Chair Tim Scheel
- Senior Warden Ray Sizemore
- Junior Warden Barbara Baird
- Vestry member Bobbie Foy
- Vestry member Steve Rucinski
- At-large member Jane Garrett
- At-large member Nick Magee
- Rector Eric Funston
They welcome your input, and invite your comments and suggestions. They also heartily request your prayers during the months ahead as they do this important work.